Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dancing Machine

The baby has turned into a dancer or a gymnast of some sort. She is moving around like crazy lately. I have discovered that she loves watermelon! Yum, Yum!

The appointment went well yesterday. The baby's heartbeat was really strong, 157-160. It was funny because when my doctor started taking the heartbeat my cell phone rang. As my cell phone kept ringing, her heartbeat went up a few numbers and she started moving around a lot. It was as if she could hear it and couldn't understand why I wasn't answering! LOL.

Our next appointment is July 11th and then we'll have them more regularly after that. It's crazy to think that in 4 short months Debbie will be here. I can't wait to meet her. Every time she moves it makes me want to really see what she looks like. We haven't had a 3D or 4D ultrasound but I think that almost makes it more exciting!